domingo, 7 de junio de 2009


-In latin Toletum
-Antequeruela, Azucaica and Benquerencia there are a villages in this city.
-One monument is the convent of Santo Domingo.
- There is the catedral.
- There is Alcazar


miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

We have another page, a wikispace.
Our wikispace is
This wikispace speak about many things, interestant things.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Charles Robert Darwin (12 de febrero de 180919 de abril de 1882) fue un naturalista inglés que postuló que todas las especies de seres vivos han evolucionado con el tiempo a partir de un antepasado común mediante un proceso denominado selección natural. La evolución fue aceptada como un hecho por la comunidad científica y por buena parte del público en vida de Darwin, mientras que su teoría de la evolución mediante selección natural no fue considerada como la explicación primaria del proceso evolutivo hasta los años 1930,[1] y actualmente constituye la base de la síntesis evolutiva moderna. Con sus modificaciones, los descubrimientos científicos de Darwin aún siguen siendo el acta fundacional de la biología como ciencia, puesto que constituyen una explicación lógica que unifica las observaciones sobre la diversidad de la vida.

Edgar Allan Poe (Boston, 19 de enero de 1809 - Baltimore, 7 de octubre de 1849) fue un escritor, poeta, crítico y periodista estadounidense, generalmente reconocido como uno de los maestros universales del relato corto, del cual fue uno de los primeros practicantes en su país. Fue renovador de la novela gótica, recordado especialmente por sus cuentos de terror. Considerado el inventor del relato detectivesco, contribuyó asimismo con varias obras al género emergente de la ciencia-ficción.[1] Por otra parte, fue el primer escritor estadounidense que intentó hacer de la escritura su modus vivendi, lo que tuvo para él consecuencias desastrosas.

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

H a t h a W a y


T I t u s


E L i z a b e t h


J u L i u s
C a e s a r


F I r s t
F o l i o

H A m n e t


M a r y
A r d e n


S t r a t f o r d


C H r i s t o p h e r

B u r b A g e


K i n g
L e a r


R o s E


S u s a n n a


O P h e l i a


G l o b E


M A c b e t h


R i c h a r d


O t h E l l o

1. Surname of William Shakespeare's wife
2. The most cruel and bloody of Will's tragedies
3. Queen of England during most of Will's life
4. Tragedy set in the Roman Empire
5. Name of the book which collected Will's plays
6. Will's only son
7. Will's mother
8. Will's hometown
9. Name of Will's rival poet.
10.Founder of the Theatre
11.One of Will's most famous tragedies, in which a king has three daughters.
12.A famous theatre close to the Globe
13.Will's first daughter
14.Hamlet's unfortunate girlfriend
15.Will's theatre
16.One of Will's famous tragedy . " Out damn spot. Out, I say !"
17.Tragedy and name of the king who said " A horse. My kingdom for a horse !".
18.Tragedy and name of a man who killed his wife Desdemona for

domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

Henry and his six wives

Name :Anne Boleyn
Fate :Beheaded at the Tower of London on May 19, 1536 after being charged with adultery.
Children :Elizabeth I
Wife Number : 2

Name :Jane Seymour
Fate :On October 24, 1537, Jane died from complications of childbirth.
Jane is the only one of Henry's wives to share his grave.
Children : Edward VI
Wife Number :3

Name :Anne of Cleves
Fate :Henry divorced her and Anne received a nice sum of money, an estate, and the title of "King's Sister".
Children : None
Wife Number :4

Name :Catherine of Aragon
Fate :Henry divorced her, having their marriaged anulled. Catherine was banished from the kingdom and lived in seclusion until the time of her death.
Children : Mary I
Wife Number : 1

Name :Catherine Parr
Fate :She outlived Henry.On September 7, Catherine died of complications from the childbirth.
Children :None
Wife Number :6

Name :Catherine Howard
Fate : Beheaded at the Tower of London , charged with treason
Children :None
Wife Number : 5

2. Why did Henry marry so many women ?

Throughout his reign King Henry VIII was married six different times. He married for both political and formal reasons.Henry VIII's motive for marriage was to have a male heir to the throne. Some of Henry's actions proved that he would go to any length to have a male child. For example, the beheading of two of his wives and the inhumane treatment of Catherine of Aragon. Henry VIII made a big deal about having a male child to insure the continuance of the House of Tudor.


Tudor London can be described as a prosperous, bustling city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from 75,000 inhabitants with Henry VII to 200,000 at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called Whitehall Palace and another in the countryside,called Hampton court , after Cardinal Wolsey gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as Hyde Park or St. James's Park , as Royal Hunting forests.
Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of The Great Fire , which happened in 1666. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were converted for private use or pulled down for building materials after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was Henry VIII's most decisive step against the power of the church in 1538. First the small, less powerful houses had their property confiscated and their buildings blighted (made unsuitable for use). They were followed the next year by the large houses.
Philosophical concepts of the power of the king over church may have played a part in Henry's decision to suppress the monasteries, but so did greed. The monasteries were rich, and a lot of that wealth found its way directly or indirectly to the royal treasury. Some of the monastery buildings were sold to wealthy gentry for use as country estates. Many others became sources of cheap building materials for local inhabitants. One of the results of the Dissolution of the Monasteries is that those who bought the old monastic lands were inclined to support Henry in his break with Rome, purely from self interest.
Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by the city authorities or guilds because plays wasted workmen's time ( so it wasn't for religious objection to the play's contents ). Then, they were built in the Southwark, where now a reconstruction of the Globe can be visited to learn about Tudor theatre.
At that time, London's financial rival was the city of Amsterdam, and to be able to compete with it , an international exchange was created in 1566.
(It was founded by the mercer Thomas Gresham in 1566 to enable London to compete for financial power with Amsterdam. This became the Royal Exchange in 1560, and is now housed in a massive Victorian building beside the Bank of England Museum in Mansion House Square.)
So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were powerful.

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Poem Romeo

I can see her sensual glaring eyes.
This beauty I can't resist.
Her sweet sent, her wonderful touch,
Her unerasable kiss.
Her blossomed lips I long to caress,
Her face I long to touch.
I never knew for the life of me,
That I would love her so very much.
I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to say.
When will I ever know?
So how do you love a Juliet?
For my name is not Romeo.
Her luscious skin I can taste in
My mind,
And I can feel her in my finger tips.
I want to trace her curves,
Steal her heart,Place my hands upon her hips.
This fire still burns deep within,
There are no doubts or fears.
With her in my life, It always feels right,
And I'll try to erase her tears.
I want to hold her in my arms,
And never let her go.
But how do you love a Juliet?
For my name is not Romeo.
If we would ever part.
I want to be her solar system,
I want to swim in her lust.
I want her to believe in me,
I want to earn back her trust.
I can't believe I was so willing
To ever let her go.So how do you love a Juliet?
For my name is not Romeo.